In the complex world of business finance, choosing the right financial products is crucial for the success and growth of any business. Among the myriad of options available, a business line of credit and a credit card stand out as two popular choices. Each offers unique benefits and can be instrumental in different scenarios. However, understanding their differences, advantages, and limitations is key to making an informed decision that aligns with your business’s financial goals and operational needs.


What Is a Business Line of Credit?

A business line of credit is a flexible financing tool that allows business owners to access a predetermined amount of funds to be used as needed, offering a safety net for managing cash flow or unexpected expenses. Unlike a traditional loan that provides a lump sum of cash upfront, a line of credit gives businesses the ability to draw funds up to a certain limit, pay them back, and then borrow again, much like a credit card but often with lower interest rates.

Key features of a business line of credit include:

  • Revolving Credit: The most significant feature of a business line of credit is its revolving nature, allowing businesses to use, repay, and reuse funds within the credit limit.
  • Interest Rates: Generally, the interest rates for lines of credit are variable, based on the market rates, and only apply to the amount of money drawn, not the entire credit line.
  • Credit Limit: The credit limit is set based on the business’s creditworthiness, financial history, and other lender criteria. This limit can range significantly, depending on the lender and the business’s qualifications.
  • Repayment Terms: Flexible repayment options are a hallmark of lines of credit, with the ability to make interest-only payments during the draw period.
  • Fees: Some lines of credit come with additional fees, such as annual fees, origination fees, or transaction fees.

A business line of credit is particularly advantageous in scenarios such as bridging short-term financial gaps, including covering inventory costs, managing seasonal cash flow variations, or addressing unforeseen expenses. It’s also beneficial for financing ongoing projects where the total cost isn’t initially clear, offering a buffer for fluctuating financial requirements. Additionally, it serves as a valuable tool for cash flow management, smoothing out the financial irregularities faced by businesses with cyclical or seasonal revenue streams.

A business line of credit is a powerful financial tool for businesses that require flexibility and access to funds on an as-needed basis. It is particularly beneficial for businesses that experience fluctuations in cash flow or those that encounter periodic financial challenges and opportunities.

What Is a Business Credit Card?

A business credit card is a financial tool specifically designed for business use, providing a convenient way to manage company expenses, track spending, and potentially earn rewards. Much like personal credit cards, they offer a line of credit with a set limit, but they are tailored to meet the needs of businesses, from small startups to large corporations.

Key features of a business credit card include:

  • Credit Limit: Business credit cards typically come with a credit limit based on the business’s creditworthiness and financial health. This limit is often higher than that of personal credit cards, reflecting the greater spending needs of businesses.
  • Rewards and Incentives: Many business credit cards offer rewards programs, including cash back, travel points, and discounts on business-related purchases, providing additional value beyond the credit facility.
  • Expense Tracking and Management: These cards often include tools for tracking and categorizing expenses, making it easier for businesses to manage budgets and prepare for tax season.
  • Flexible Repayment Options: Business credit cards generally offer the flexibility to pay the full balance each month or make minimum payments, with interest accruing on the remaining balance.
  • Additional Benefits: They may include benefits like travel insurance, extended warranties, and higher spending limits, which can be particularly useful for businesses.

A business credit card is an excellent tool for managing routine business expenses such as office supplies, travel costs, and client entertainment, offering the ease of cashless transactions. It’s also highly effective for short-term financing needs, helping businesses to navigate cash flow gaps without resorting to formal loans. Regular use and timely repayment of a business credit card are instrumental in building and enhancing a business’s credit profile. Moreover, for businesses capable of paying off balances monthly, maximizing rewards and cash-back programs can yield substantial additional benefits.

Business credit cards are a versatile financial resource for managing a variety of business expenses while also offering potential rewards and benefits. They are particularly suitable for businesses seeking a straightforward and flexible way to manage expenses and cash flow.

Comparing Business Lines of Credit and Credit Cards

When choosing between a business line of credit and a credit card, understanding the nuances of each option is key. Both serve distinct financial purposes and offer different advantages and challenges.

Criteria Business Line of Credit Credit Cards
Interest Rates and Payment Terms Typically, lines of credit have variable interest rates, which can fluctuate with market conditions. The interest is charged only on the amount borrowed, not on the total credit line. Payment terms are usually flexible, with options to pay interest only during the initial draw period, followed by principal and interest payments. Credit cards often have higher interest rates compared to lines of credit. They provide a grace period where no interest is charged if the balance is paid in full each month. Minimum payments are required monthly, and carrying a balance leads to compounded interest.
Credit Limits and Accessibility Credit limits are usually higher and are based on the business’s financial health and creditworthiness. Access to funds is straightforward, often via bank transfers or checks, and the line of credit can be used repeatedly as long as the account is in good standing. Credit limits are generally lower than lines of credit. Cards are widely accepted for transactions and can offer rewards like cash back or travel points. However, maxing out a credit card can negatively impact your credit score.
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Pros and Cons of a Business Line of Credit vs Credit Card

Let’s explore the pros and cons of each option so you can forecast how each option might play out in your own business.

Type of Financing Pros Cons
Business Line of Credit
  • Higher Borrowing Limits: Often offers more substantial credit limits than other forms of credit, enabling businesses to fund larger projects or expenditures.
  • Lower Interest Rates Compared to Credit Cards: Typically features more favorable interest rates than credit cards, making it a cost-effective choice for borrowing.
  • Flexibility in Borrowing and Repayment: Provides the ability to draw funds as needed and offers varied repayment options, allowing businesses to adapt to their financial situation.
  • Potential for Variable Interest Rates to Increase: Interest rates on lines of credit can fluctuate, potentially increasing borrowing costs over time.
  • Requires Discipline to Manage Revolving Debt Effectively: Businesses must exercise financial prudence to avoid overextending and mismanaging their debt.
  • May Have Additional Fees: Lines of credit can come with fees like annual or origination fees, adding to the overall cost of borrowing.
Business Credit Card
  • Convenience and Ease of Use for Everyday Expenses: Offers a straightforward way to handle day-to-day business expenditures and transactions.
  • Potential Rewards and Benefits: Many business credit cards offer rewards programs, including travel points and cash back, providing additional value.
  • Helps Build Business Credit History: Regular and responsible use can contribute positively to a business’s credit history, enhancing creditworthiness.
  • Higher Interest Rates if Balances are Carried Month-to-Month: Carrying a balance can lead to higher interest costs compared to other credit forms.
  • Can Lead to High Credit Utilization: If not carefully managed, high utilization can negatively impact credit scores and financial health.
  • Risk of Overspending Due to Ease of Use: The convenience of credit cards can sometimes lead to overspending, necessitating disciplined financial management.

How to Decide What’s Right for Your Business

Choosing between a business line of credit and a credit card hinges on several key factors that align with your business’s size, financial needs, and operational strategy. Here’s a guide to help you decide which option is more suitable for your business:

  • Nature of Expenses: Consider what you’ll be using the funds for. A line of credit is ideal for significant, recurring expenses like inventory purchases or expansion costs, while credit cards are better suited for everyday operational expenses, such as office supplies or travel.
  • Cash Flow Management: If your business experiences seasonal fluctuations or irregular cash flow, a line of credit can provide a buffer during lean periods. In contrast, credit cards can help manage consistent monthly expenses.
  • Interest Rates and Fees: Analyze the interest rates and fees associated with both options. Lines of credit usually offer lower interest rates, making them cost-effective for larger, long-term borrowing. Credit cards might have higher rates but can offer interest-free periods if balances are paid in full.
  • Credit Limits: A line of credit generally offers higher credit limits, which is beneficial for significant funding needs. Credit cards might have lower limits but are often easier and quicker to obtain.
  • Credit History and Qualifications: Your business’s credit history will influence what financial products you qualify for. A strong credit history might make it easier to obtain a line of credit with favorable terms.
  • Repayment Ability: Consider your business’s ability to make repayments. Credit cards require monthly minimum payments, while lines of credit might have more flexible repayment options but can accumulate more interest over time.
  • Building Credit: Regularly using and repaying a credit card can help build your business’s credit profile. A line of credit, if managed well, can also positively impact your credit history.
  • Growth and Expansion Plans: For businesses planning significant growth or expansion, a line of credit might provide the necessary capital to fund these ambitions.


Deciding between a business line of credit and a credit card is a pivotal financial decision that can significantly impact the operational efficiency and growth potential of your business.

A business line of credit offers higher credit limits and lower interest rates, making it suitable for large-scale investments and ongoing expenses. It provides a safety net for cash flow management, especially in businesses with fluctuating revenue.

On the other hand, a business credit card is ideal for daily expenses, offering convenience, reward benefits, and the opportunity to build a credit history.

Many of the benefits of both options come down to the offered terms. For the fastest and most efficient way to compare your business line of credit options, consider working with National Business Capital to streamline your search. One application unlocks multiple financing options, and your dedicated Business Finance Advisor is there every step of the way to help you determine the best fit.

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How to Apply for a Business Line of Credit with National Business Capital

New York Business Line of Credit
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About the Author

Lauren Coppolone

Lauren has been with National Business Capital for 3 years, but her B2B experience extends as far back as 2015. She previously worked as a senior business analyst for B2B SaaS, Sky IT Group. Her current role as Marketing Manager for National has her coordinating between the financing side and small business needs. She’s also a regular contributor to National’s blog where she regularly shares her expertise and insight into small business financing. Lauren holds a B.A. from the Fashion Institute of Technology’s (FIT) School of Business.

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