A business line of credit is a flexible financing solution that grants businesses access to a set amount of capital, which can be used at their discretion for a variety of purposes.

With a business line of credit, entrepreneurs and small business owners have a trusted source of funds to handle unexpected expenses, smooth out cash flow issues, or capitalize on business opportunities. Unlike traditional loans, a business line of credit provides the convenience of access to funds when you need them, with interest only paid on the amount used.

Business lines of credit stand out for their flexibility. They’re not earmarked for a specific purpose, so you can use them as you see fit. This could be anything from purchasing inventory, funding a marketing campaign, managing seasonal fluctuations, or dealing with an unexpected business expense. For businesses that face frequent or unpredictable costs, this kind of credit can be a financial lifeline.

What Is a Business Line of Credit?

A line of credit for business is a flexible financing tool that provides businesses access to a predetermined amount of capital, usable for any business purpose.

A business line of credit functions much like a credit card: a bank or financial institution sets a maximum credit limit, and businesses can draw up to that limit as needed. Once the borrowed funds are repaid, the credit line is replenished back to its original amount. This “revolving” nature of the credit line makes it a highly versatile financial tool for businesses.

The key advantage of a business line of credit is its flexibility. Unlike traditional term loans, where you receive a lump sum of cash upfront and start paying interest on the entire loan amount immediately, a line of credit lets you borrow only the funds you need and only pay interest on your outstanding balance. This flexibility makes it an ideal source of funding for managing working capital needs, addressing cash flow inconsistencies, or dealing with unexpected expenses.

How Does a Business Line of Credit Works?

A business line of credit operates as a revolving fund: you draw what you need, repay it, and access the full amount again.

After a business qualifies for a line of credit, a specific credit limit is set by the lender. The business can then draw funds as needed up to this limit. Interest is only charged on the amount that is drawn, not the total credit limit. As funds are repaid, the amount available to borrow revives to the original limit, making this a flexible financial solution.

While applying for a business line of credit, lenders typically consider a company’s creditworthiness, financial stability, operating history, and the ability to repay. Once approved, the funds can be accessed usually through online banking, checks, or bank transfers, depending on the lender’s facilities.

A crucial aspect of a business line of credit is that it’s typically unsecured, which means collateral isn’t required. However, some lenders may offer secured lines of credit for larger credit limits or for businesses with less stellar credit histories. In these cases, collateral such as business assets, real estate, or inventory may be required.

Pros and Cons of a Business Line of Credit


Pros of a Business Line of Credit Cons of a Business Line of Credit
Flexible access to funds as you can draw, repay, and re-borrow. Interest rates can be higher than other types of business loans.
Interest is only paid on the funds drawn, not on the total credit limit. Fees may apply for maintenance, withdrawal, or underutilization.
Can be used for various business needs like cash flow, inventory, and more. Some lenders may require collateral for larger credit limits.
Helps in managing unexpected expenses or capitalizing on opportunities. Could lead to overspending due to the revolving nature of access.
May boost business credit score with responsible use. Approval and credit limit can depend heavily on business creditworthiness.
Typically faster and easier approval process than traditional loans. Failure to make timely payments can hurt your credit score.


Why Should You Choose a Business Line of Credit?

A business line of credit is an excellent choice for businesses seeking flexible financing, as it allows you to borrow, repay, and re-borrow as needed. It’s especially useful for managing cash flow, handling unexpected expenses, and seizing growth opportunities.

Business should choose a business line of credit if they need:

  • Flexibility: Unlike traditional loans, a business line of credit gives businesses the ability to draw funds up to a certain limit as and when required, offering a high level of flexibility.
  • Cash Flow Management: For businesses with cyclical or seasonal revenue, having access to a business line of credit can help manage cash flow during slow periods and keep operations running smoothly.
  • Only Pay Interest on Drawn Amounts: With a business line of credit, interest is typically charged only on the funds that have been drawn, not on the total credit limit. This can lead to significant cost savings.
  • Buffer for Unexpected Costs: Unexpected expenses are a reality for businesses. Having a line of credit in place can be a lifesaver when unforeseen costs arise, providing a financial safety net.
  • Growth Opportunities: Having access to funds on demand can help businesses capitalize on growth opportunities that require upfront investment, such as purchasing inventory at a discount or investing in a new marketing campaign.

Difference Between a Business Line of Credit and Business Loan


Factors Business Line of Credit Business Loan
Flexibility A business line of credit provides high flexibility, allowing you to draw funds as needed up to the credit limit. Business loans are less flexible, providing a lump sum of money upfront that must be repaid over a predetermined period.
Interest Interest is charged only on the funds drawn from the credit line, not on the total credit limit. Interest is charged on the total loan amount, regardless of how much of it is used.
Repayment You can borrow, repay, and reborrow funds as often as you like, as long as you do not exceed your credit limit. Repayment is fixed, typically in equal installments over the term of the loan. Once repaid, the loan is closed.
Purpose Ideal for managing cash flow, handling unexpected costs, and capitalizing on opportunities requiring quick access to funds. Better suited for large, one-time expenses or long-term investments like buying equipment, property, or funding major expansion.
Approval & Funding Speed Generally quicker approval and funding process, since it’s meant for on-demand access to funds. The approval process for a business loan can be more time-consuming due to thorough checks on creditworthiness and business financial health.


Qualification Requirements for Acquiring a Business Line of Credit

Qualification criteria for a business line of credit include:

  • Credit Score: A good personal and business credit score is crucial. Higher credit scores tend to get better terms and lower interest rates.
  • Business History: Lenders prefer businesses with a track record of at least one year, but some may require two years.
  • Annual Revenue: Proof of steady and sufficient business revenue is typically required.
  • Bank Statements: Lenders may require the last few months of bank statements to assess cash flow.
  • Financial Statements: Balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement may be required to assess the financial health of your business.
  • Business Plan: Some lenders might want to see a solid business plan outlining how the credit line will be used.
  • Collateral: Depending on the lender, collateral like business assets might be needed for securing the credit line.

How to Apply for a business line of credit?

To apply for a business line of credit with National Business Capital follow these steps:

  1. Fill the Online Application: First, you’ll fill out a short online application, which should take less than 5 minutes.
  2. Connect with a Lending Specialist: Once you’ve submitted the online application, you’ll get connected with a lending specialist from National Business Capital who will guide you through the rest of the process.
  3. Prepare Your Application: The lending specialist will assist you in preparing a comprehensive application, including all required documentation.
  4. Submission to Lenders: Your application is then submitted to various lenders within National Business Capital’s 75+ lender marketplace.
  5. Review and Select Best Offer: You are then presented with the most competitive offers you qualify for. Instead of comparing lenders and offers individually, you get the most suitable offers based on your unique business needs.
  6. Receive Financing and Ongoing Support: Once you select the best offer and complete the transaction, the funds will be released to you. National Business Capital also provides ongoing support and guidance on maximizing the value of your financing.

Remember, by choosing National Business Capital, you’re not just getting financing, but a long-term financial partner that’s committed to helping your business grow. Apply Now to start the hassle-free application process.


What is the difference between a secured and unsecured business line of credit?

A secured business line of credit requires collateral such as real estate, equipment, or inventory. It generally offers lower interest rates due to the lower risk for lenders. An unsecured line of credit, on the other hand, doesn’t require collateral but may come with higher interest rates due to the increased risk for lenders.

What is the purpose of a business line of credit?

The purpose of a business line of credit is to provide flexible access to funds for a business. It can be used for various purposes including managing cash flow, purchasing inventory, paying for unexpected expenses, or taking advantage of new business opportunities.

What's the difference between a business line of credit and a credit card?

A business line of credit and a business credit card are both forms of revolving credit, but there are differences. A line of credit generally offers a higher limit, lower interest rates, and the ability to withdraw cash without high fees. A business credit card may offer rewards or points but usually has a lower limit and higher fees for cash advances.

How does a business line of credit affect personal credit?

If the business line of credit is under your personal guarantee, it can affect your personal credit. Any defaults or late payments on the line of credit could negatively impact your personal credit score. However, responsible and timely payments can have a positive impact.